Grinding/Night Guards

A nightguard is a retainer-like piece of hard or soft plastic worn to protect your teeth. They are often referred to by many other names like occlusal guard, dental guard, mouthguard, bite splint, or nocturnal bite plate.  Regardless of what you call it, a night guard covers the biting and chewing surfaces of teeth and can be worn on either the bottom or top arch. Since patients have different teeth patterns and alignments, a nightguard is custom-made for each patient by molding it to fit your teeth. The purpose of this device is to protect your teeth from clenching and grinding forces.  The condition of clenching and grinding is called bruxism, and it majorly presents at night but can also be done during the day.  One of the main causes of bruxism is stress, so there has been a notable increase in bruxism since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Grinding and clenching can lead to broken teeth, worn down teeth (erosion), headaches, jaw pain or popping, and tooth sensitivity.

Night guards can be purchased over the counter or made by your dentist.  At Crosstown Dental Group, we offer a variety of night guards so we can be sure to find an option that fits your lifestyle.